Vodnik za implementacijo Glami piXel


Ime dogodka Opis dogodka Parametri Zahtevani parametri
PageView Privzeti dogodek, ki ga lahko postavite na vse strani.
ViewContent Ko je stran videna tako kot stran izdelka ali pa kategorije. content_type, item_ids, value, currency content_type, item_ids
AddToCart Ko je izdelek dodan v košarico. value, currency, item_ids value, currency, item_ids
Purchase Ko je nakup opravljen. value, currency, transaction_id, item_ids value, currency, transaction_id, item_ids


Ime parametra Opis parametra Vrsta parametra
consent Uporabniška privolitev za shranitev analitičnih piškotkov na njihovi napravi. Nastavite 1 v primeru uporabniške privolitve. V drugačnem primeru nastavite 0 za "ne". number
content_type Ali 'product' ali 'category'. string
item_ids Identifikator elementa, povezan z ViewContent, AddToCart or Purchase dogodkom. Uporabljajte vrednosti, ki so edinstvene in nespremenljive čez vašo celotno e-trgovino. Identifikator je sestavljen iz poljubnih kombinacij številk/nizov. Uporabite isti ID, kot ste ga zagotovili v feedu izdelkov za ITEM_ID. If you do not have the ITEM_ID for a specific product variant at the time of calling the event (for example, when the customer has not yet selected a specific size for the product), you can send the value of ITEMGROUP_ID to the item_ids parameter. This value must correspond with the value you send in the product feed. array
value Vrednost izdelka ali naročila pri klicanju dogodka number
currency Valuta za določeno value.. string
transaction_id ID transakcije. string

ID-ji vsebine

V vsakem dogodku, lahko uporabite katerikoli od teh identifikatorjev item_ids, category_text za identifikacijo vsebine, povezane z dogodkom. Uporabite najprimernejše za vašo prodajno rešitev. Prosimo, uporabite iste ID-je, kot jih uporabljate v svojem product feed.


To je unikatna številka izdelka - ID, ki ga boste uporabljali znotraj vaše e-trgovine.

GLAMI uporablja ITEM_ID za ločevanje produktov in zagotovljeno pravo sledenje.

  • Vrednota naj bi vsebovala kombinacijo črk, številk, poševnic (/), levih poševnic (\), pomišljajev (-), podčrtajev (_), presledkov ( ), pik (.) in dvopičij (:).
  • Variante izdelkov, različnih velikosti in barv morajo imeti unikaten ITEM_ID.
  • Zagotovite isto vrednoto za GLAMI piXel - ITEM_ID parameter. Drugače GLAMI piXel ne bo deloval pravilno.
  • If you do not have the ITEM_ID for a specific product variant at the time of calling the event (for example, when the customer has not yet selected a specific size for the product), you can send the value of ITEMGROUP_ID to the item_ids parameter. This value must correspond with the value you send in the product feed.


Consent parameter omogoča spletnim stranem, da se prilagodijo GLAMI PiXlu na podlagi uporabnikove privolitve v piškotke. Če consent obstaja (vrednost 1) ali pa če parameter ni nastavljen, bo GLAMI predelal celotne podatke. Brez privolitve (vrednost 0) bodo podatki predelani anonimno, brez uporabe podatkov določenega uporabnika.

GLAMI PiXel je nujno potreben za optimalno delovanje vaše e-trgovine na GLAMI. Zato sedaj podpira Consent parameter, preko katerega partnerska e-trgovina GLAMI-ja posreduje informacije glede tega, ali je uporabnik privolil v ustvarjenje analitičnih piškotkov.

Glami piXel primeri kode

Za naslednje primere potrebujete API ključ, ki ga boste prejeli po registraciji trgovine.
Da storite tako, uporabite našo stran za registracijo trgovine.

  • Stran izdelka -> ViewContent (type=product)
  • Stran kategorije -> ViewContent (type=category)
  • Dodaj v košarico (add to cart) dogodek -> AddToCart
  • Stran za potrditev naročila -> Purchase
  • Vsaka druga stran -> PageView

Dodajte kodo na svoje spletne strani pred koncem </head> oznake v HTML-ju strani:


To privzeto kodo postavite na vse strani. To kodo je mogoče razširiti z uporabo drugih dogodkov. Glej spodaj.

<!-- Glami piXel for ONLY_SAMPLE_SHOP_FOR_EXAMPLE -->
(function(f, a, s, h, i, o, n) {f['GlamiTrackerObject'] = i;
})(window, document, 'script', '//glamipixel.com/js/compiled/pt.js', 'glami');

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
<!-- End Glami piXel -->

ViewContent (product)

Dodajte to podaljšano kodo k vsaki strani s podrobnostmi o izdelku.

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        content_type: 'product',
        item_ids: ['ADZXFLUX002'] // currently viewed product ID. Use the same ID as you use in the feed (ITEM_ID)

Primer za stran s podrobnostmi o izdelku.

Ta primer vam prikazuje kako naj bi izgledala koda na vsaki strani s podrobnostmi o izdelku.

<!-- Glami piXel for ONLY_SAMPLE_SHOP_FOR_EXAMPLE -->
(function(f, a, s, h, i, o, n) {f['GlamiTrackerObject'] = i;
})(window, document, 'script', '//glamipixel.com/js/compiled/pt.js', 'glami');

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        content_type: 'product',
        item_ids: ['ADZXFLUX002'] // currently viewed product ID. Use the same ID as you use in the feed (ITEM_ID)
<!-- End Glami piXel -->

ViewContent (category)

Dodajte to podaljšano kodo k vsaki strani kategorij.

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        content_type: 'category',
        item_ids: ['ADZXFLUX001', 'NRS02', 'NRS03', 'NRS04', 'NRS05', 'NRS06', 'NRS07', 'NRS08', 'NRS09', 'NRS10'], // currently viewed first 10 product IDs in the category. Use the same IDs as you use in the feed (ITEM_ID).
        category_text: 'Men | Shoes | Sneakers' // currently viewed category_text. Use the same category_text as you use in the feed (CATEGORYTEXT)

Primer strani kategorije.

Ta primer prikazuje kako naj bi izgledala koda na vsaki strani kategorij.

<!-- Glami piXel for ONLY_SAMPLE_SHOP_FOR_EXAMPLE -->
(function(f, a, s, h, i, o, n) {f['GlamiTrackerObject'] = i;
})(window, document, 'script', '//glamipixel.com/js/compiled/pt.js', 'glami');

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        content_type: 'category',
        item_ids: ['ADZXFLUX001', 'NRS02', 'NRS03', 'NRS04', 'NRS05', 'NRS06', 'NRS07', 'NRS08', 'NRS09', 'NRS10'], // currently viewed first 10 product IDs in the category. Use the same IDs as you use in the feed (ITEM_ID).
        category_text: 'Men | Shoes | Sneakers' // currently viewed category_text. Use the same category_text as you use in the feed (CATEGORYTEXT)
<!-- End Glami piXel -->


Imenujte to kodo na dogodku, ko je izdelek dodan v nakupovalno košarico.

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        item_ids: ['ADZXFLUX002'], // product ID currently added to a cart. Use the same ID as you use in the feed (ITEM_ID).
        value: 82.00, // product price
        currency: 'EUR' // product price currency


Dodajte to razširitveno kodo na vsako zahvalno/potrditveno stran.

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        item_ids: ['ADZXFLUX002', 'NRS01'], // bought product IDs. Use the same IDs as you use in the feed (ITEM_ID).
        value: 123.00, // order value (sum of product values)
        currency: 'EUR', // order value currency
        transaction_id: 'ORDER212' // order ID

Primer za zahvalno stran/potrditveno stran.

Ta primer prikazuje, kako bi morala izgledati popolna koda na zahvalni/potrditveni strani.

<!-- Glami piXel for ONLY_SAMPLE_SHOP_FOR_EXAMPLE -->
(function(f, a, s, h, i, o, n) {f['GlamiTrackerObject'] = i;
})(window, document, 'script', '//glamipixel.com/js/compiled/pt.js', 'glami');

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        item_ids: ['ADZXFLUX002', 'NRS01'], // bought product IDs. Use the same IDs as you use in the feed (ITEM_ID).
        value: 123.00, // order value (sum of product values)
        currency: 'EUR', // order value currency
        transaction_id: 'ORDER212' // order ID
<!-- End Glami piXel -->

Implementacija večih pixlov na eni strani

Če želite na strani več kod pixlov, sledite tem navodilom.

Če želite shraniti nekaj pixel kod na eno stran, mora imeti vsak pixel edinstveno ime, ustvarjeno s create call-om. Ko gre za samo eno kodo pixla, te možnosti ni treba uporabljati.

        consent: 1 // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]

Vse kode pixlov morajo uporabljati enako unikatno ime.

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        item_ids: ['ADZXFLUX002'],
        value: 123.00, // order value (sum of product values),
        currency: EUR,
        transaction_id: 'ORDER2'

Ta primer prikazuje, kako bi morala izgledati popolna koda na zahvalni/potrditveni strani.

<!-- Glami piXel for multiple shops -->
(function(f, a, s, h, i, o, n) {f['GlamiTrackerObject'] = i;
})(window, document, 'script', '//glamipixel.com/js/compiled/pt.js', 'glami');

// <!-- SI tracker start
        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]

    'Purchase', {
        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        item_ids: ['ADZXFLUX002', 'NRS01'],
        value: 123.00,
        currency: 'EUR',
        transaction_id: 'ORDER1'
// SI tracker end -->

// <!-- SK tracker start
        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        item_ids: ['ADZXFLUX002'],
        value: 50.00,
        currency: 'EUR',
        transaction_id: 'ORDER2'
// SK tracker end -->

// <!-- some other tracker tracker start
        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]

        consent: 1, // The user's consent to the storage analytical cookies on their devices. [0 = no; 1 = yes]
        item_ids: ['ADZXFLUX002'],
        value: 123.00, // order value (sum of product values),
        currency: EUR,
        transaction_id: 'ORDER2'
// some other tracker end -->
<!-- End Glami piXel -->

S to metodo lahko kadar koli spremenite vrednost parametra za soglasje za GLAMI Pixel. V primeru, da uporabljate upravitelja soglasja za piškotke (npr. cookiebot ali drugo), morate to soglasje predložiti podjetju GLAMI Pixel, potem ko je bilo odobreno. GLAMI Pixel se pogosto naloži pred dejanskim soglasjem prek upravitelja soglasja za piškotke. V tem primeru je treba poklicati naslednjo metodo in parametru posredovati novo vrednost soglasja.

glami('set', {consent: 1});

Nastavitve glave pravilnika o varnosti vsebine (CSP)

Če vaš splet uporablja Content Security Policy, morate omogočiti GLAMI Pixel Javascript kodo na vaši strani. Prosimo dodajte naslednja CSP pravila v vašo HTTP glavo odgovora na vašem spletnem strežniku:

Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'unsafe-inline' www.glami.si glamipixel.com; img-src www.glami.si glamipixel.com